Early Intervention

The first 3 years of life are critical for the development of a child. Satya Special School’s Early Childhood Programme combines the speed of early identification through the new-born high-risk clinic and the efficacy of services through the Early Intervention Centre (EIC) for the optimal development of the child. 

New Born High Risk Clinic

Satya runs a New Born High Risk clinic at the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) where at-risk children susceptible to developmental delay are identified and appropriate intervention is then started at JIPMER itself. This is a one-of-a-kind centre and the only one providing such services in Pondicherry.

Partnering with the public health system is imperative to ensure screening at appropriate times, so that children with special needs and able to access therapy as early as possible. 


Early Intervention Centre

Satya’s EIC provides personalized child- specific intervention facilities, with the parents and special educators on board. A professional team comprising a special educator, early interventionist, physiotherapist, neurodevelopment therapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist and psychologist assess the child for their present condition, and draws up a personalized rehabilitation programme in consultation with the parents.

Satya’s group therapy sessions with the mother and sibling programs have found to be very helpful for CWSNs to bond with other members of the family. 





Average age when a rural child is first diagnosed



screened every month at the New Born High Risk Clinic



Youngest baby served at Satya

It takes a village to become inclusive!

Inclusive anganwadi inaugurated in United Way-supported Satya project

Inclusive Pre-School

One of our long standing dream has been to start an Inclusive Pre- School in a rural area so as to ensure both early identification and intervention. This dream was fulfilled by the Partnership with Sristi foundation.